Team members

Wednesday 9 April 2008

Yakatori bar

After working for our supper with a presentation to the Hashimoto Kinagawa Rotary Club and a bento meal, they took us to a yakatori bar in downtown Hashimoto. It’s a cabin with a grill on the middle where they cook skewered bits of chicken – a variety of different bits of chicken, mostly edible. There was lots of beer however.

It’s a sort of chicken and beer thing - which comes first? Do you use the chicken as an excuse to go out with the team for a beer or do you drink the beer to take your mind off the chicken body parts? Hmmmm. Difficult proposition.

We returned to our magnificent hot springs resort where they opened up the public onsen for our private use for an hour…or an hour and a half if you happen to be a girl on this trip!

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