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Sunday 20 April 2008

Soy Sauce Factory 醤油工場

Japanese ‘shoyu’ was originally produced here in Yuasa from soy bean paste which was brought in from China in the early 13th century. In those days the poor transport systems limited this to home use. Then about 400 years ago it began to be shipped to other parts of Japan and before long there were said to be over 92 shoyu makers in the city.

Kadocho Shokuningura was one of the fermenting houses built in the Keio era and so this is one of the the oldest shoyu houses in Yuasa. The owner is a Rotarian so we were privileged to have a tour which is not available to the public. Production is limited and only sold from exclusive shops in Tokyo and Osaka and at the factory and commands a premium price. We may have stepped back into history but any stepping back had to be done carefully as the route around the factory was quite treacherous.



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